Sunday at the 50th annual Neihardt Day in Bancroft Nebraska, the Neihardt family offered to Myron Pourier, the Great-Great-Grandson of the Lakota Holy Man Black Elk, the Sacred Bow and Arrows given to John Neihardt by Black Elk in 1931, during the meetings the two men had that resulted in the book Black Elk Speaks. After much thought and prayer, the Neihardt family wanted to show its respect and to honor the the descendents of Black Elk by entrusting the sacred items to the Black Elk Family. A brief story and video is available here: Sioux Land Matters
Another news article here: Journal Star
Another news article: Norfolk Daily News
Myron Pourier will be in Washington, D.C. on August 12, 2015 petitioning to change the name of Harney Peak in South Dakota to Black Elk Peak. Harney Peak is where Black Elk had a life changing vision at the age of nine. He traveled to the Harney Peak with Neihardt in 1931, during talks the two men had that resulted in the book Black Elk Speaks. For more information: Black Elk Development Website.